Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Religion in School

What I think about religion in school.

We talk about freedom of religious expression, but what no one talks about is the extent of that freedom. Most people can’t come into school with a “God is dead” or “God is great” shirt on because everyone is worried about if it is “politically correct”, but me, I don’t care if I offend someone because I don't care about religion. You believe what you believe. If you want to believe in God or not that's your choose, I can’t control you. Believing in a higher power is something only you can control and if someone says that what I believe is what you should believe than all you’re doing is turning away from the original reason you started believing in the first place. I believe that who ever wants to pray or wants to say “God is stupid.” then fine go ahead because if someone tries to take that away then they are just as bad as being a dictator. Everyone is an individual and should believe like one.

My view on religion itself is different then most my friends. I believe that the bible is fake. I believe this because the bible has been translated so many times that I don’t think even the Pope knows the true story anymore. When something’s translated then the original meaning is changed. So I don’t believe that the bible is the real bible. But I won’t go around school talking about it; if someone asks me a question about religion then I will answer truthfully. I believe that you can do whatever you want, religion wise, but when a teacher starts teaching religion to their class, then all that teacher is doing is forcing their religion on their class.